- Copyright: All images submitted for consideration in the Illume Image Quest 2010 contest remain the sole property of the photographer. Entrants retain copyright over each of their
Click HERE to read more
Digital Photography Competition 2009
Give it a Shoot! Take part in the Digital Photography Competition 2009.
Start Date: 1st October 2009
End Date : 20th November 2009
Theme: My Singapore
Express your views thru photography on Singapore which involves environment, daily life,
Click HERE to read more!
Posted by Class Blog
"Festive" Compertition
Ah yes the Festive Season has approached us faster than Santa falling down your chimney. Festive means many things to many people. We have broken it down into Four integral
Click HERE to read more
Posted by Class Blog
SW test tomorrow!!!
sleep well and tomorrow must go school!
Posted by Dexter Chiang Jia Rong
Eventhough we are squeezing among each other to fit onto the board, it does not stop us to finish this task. We manage to complete it despite having failures.
Physical Activies : 500 Jumping Jacks
The amount of turn up in our class is huge, that gave us the advantage to finish it with only a person doing 8 jumping jacks each !

Physical Activities: Push Ups
This is the most challenging one among all of the activities given by the trainers. We are suppose to follow up a few steps to make a ocean plait knot. We are lucky to have Mr Chee Kan to help us finishing this task, but congrats to the other team who try their best on fixing this knot too!

Building A Human Pyramid
Building this pyramid requires the strength of 15 people. We bond as one and manage to build a human pyramid despite the different sizes and weight.

Fixing the Puzzle.
This puzzle requires us to solve the toilet puzzle. We are trying our best solve this puzzle eventhough we have to only look at the main piece twice.

Police And Thief Videos
This is where almost all the class member's crack their brain in order to move up to the next task.
Overall, today is a memorable day for all of us.
Thank you for all the hard work .
- A good name will always shine forever
Posted by Class Blog
Labels: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_KFlUlmb6kHQ/SulPYjJyKII/AAAAAAAAATE/90Ns7sj0YAU/s1600-h/29102009416.jpg
AV0901B class shirt design
A shirt for us is a united symbol.

This is our very own class shirt design.
This design is designed by Muhammad Hafiz for AV0901B.
I-motionX Crew
"I" refers to AV0901B, as a group who shares the same interest.
"Motion" refers to Audio & Video.
"X" stands for X-Factor.
Include DAVP; that stand for Digital Audio Video Production.
The black circle unite us together as one.
Posted by Class Blog
ImotionX would like to congratulate Dexter and his Group
who had made his mark by winning a BRONZE award project winners
Read more
who had made his mark by winning a BRONZE award project winners
Read more
Posted by Class Blog
Know the definition of team?
T-E-A-M is crucial for project work. Togetherness in Effort And Moral support. Without the support from each other, without the cooperation of each other, things can't be done that easily. Rushing in completing it wouldn't get you the good things you want, it just make the team members more stress.
Posted by Class Blog
NLE Term 3 Project
What To Do: remake a 30 sec to 1 mins Movie trailer
Theme: Your style
Person in a group: 1 or 2 in a group
DeadLine: 26th November 2009
Dateline will be on 26th November 2009
Create a 30 secs to 1 minute movie trailer using Movie that have screened. Posted by Dexter Chiang Jia Rong
BVE (mini project part 2)
What To Do:
1 minute short story using minimum of 4 "VideoCoPilot.net" tutorials out of 10 given "VideoCoPilot.net" tutorials for year 1.
1 minute short story using minimum of 4 "VideoCoPilot.net" tutorials out of 10 given "VideoCoPilot.net" tutorials for year 1.
Theme: Your stlye
Person in a group: 3 in a group
DeadLine: 27th November 2009
Details: Dateline: 27th Nov(mini project part 2)
Create a 1 minute short story using minimum of 4 "Video CoPilot" tutorials out of 10 given "Video CoPilot" tutorials for year 1.-Include appropriate Audio and Video to enhance the story
-Students may use other software for photo and video editing, however must use AFTER EFFECT to create the story sequence
Submission Requirement
-Quicktime video-H.264
-Working Files in a Folder (AE File)
Posted by Dexter Chiang Jia Rong
tmr will be our first term meet up again......
soo waiting to see you guys again!!!
Posted by Dexter Chiang Jia Rong
National Schools Photo-Art Competition 2009
Entries have to reflect the theme “YOUTH IN ACTION”
Category A - Primary School (7-12 years old)
read more
Posted by Class Blog
Design for feedback
Would this be our hand sign and shirt design?
Please leave your feedback to us at the Cbox below.
Btw the logo will not be so big.
Posted by Dexter Chiang Jia Rong
VP2 Final Project - Jul 2009
What To Do: In Camera Edit Video at least 5 mins
Theme: Anything
Person in a group: 7 total NO MORE nor LESS in a group
DeadLine: 21 September 2009, Monday
Details: For a group carry out a story. Each group consist of 7 group member and pitch to Mr To.
1. Write a 5 minutes drama script using the correct script format
2. Create a storyboard according to the script
3. Use lighting effects to suit the feel of the script
4. Produce clear Dialogue/Narration during recording
5. Use camera angles and shot sizes to better dramatize the script.
6. Apply appropiate tracks, jibs or steadycam techniques according to the script.
7. Apply appropiate sound effects in video editing.
8. Use appropiate transitions and motion graphics effects in video editing.
9. Convey the original proposed idea to the viewer.
10. The completed work is original, creative and innovative.
11. Export the video into the required format and burn into CD.
Posted by Dexter Chiang Jia Rong
BVE Assignment 3
What To Do: 30 Sec TVC
Theme: Anything
Person in a group: 2 or 3 in a group
DeadLine: 15 September 20009, Tuesday
Details: Need to do a 30 sec TVC on a theme of your own choice with After Effects.
Posted by Dexter Chiang Jia Rong
NLE Assignment 3
What To Do: 1 min of Promotional Video
Theme: Singapore or Hong Kong
Person in a group: 2 or 3 in a group
DeadLine: 1st: 24th Aug 2009, Monday (submit concept and group member names)
2nd: 10th Sept 2009, Thursday (submit everything)
Details: 1 min promotional video, theme is Singapore or Hong Kong. Video includes still photography, video shoot. Use of After Effects is allowed if your concept includes effects.
24th August Monday, submit concept and group member names, 2 or 3 person per group.
Fail to submit concept before actual production will incur 10 penalty points.
Posted by Class Blog
Photos of Jalan Kayu Family Day on 21/06/2009
but this is not all the photos we have
still waiting for farhan, hafiz photos to pass to be upload
Posted by Class Blog
Project for BVE
What to do: 20 to 30 second of TV commercial
Theme: any subject
Person in a group: 2 to 3 person in a group
DeadLine: 11 Aug 2009
Draw out StoryBoard and use GreenScreen to
make out a 20 to 30 second TV commercial
must have a logo in your video.
Posted by Class Blog
Dear students,
These students identified,
Please make archival of your best works in a CD/DVD for review
This photos that is given will be used for DAVP Photos Archival
Items to submit in a CD
- Uneditied Photos
- Highest Resoulution
- Do Not Comopressed
Students identified
Ahmad Khabbab
Izzah Hazwani
Mohd Farhan
Rajen Krishna
Deadline: 14th August 2009
Please submit your CD/DVD to Mr.Zo
Posted by Class Blog
Mr Subra wants a group of 8 people to do a project regarding security which is the following question on the last post, the project that we will do will post at suntec city for the minister to see
after the exhibition, Mr subra will award us
i just need 8 people ok?
who are interested may inform me or dexter
Posted by Farn
Question for LifeSkill Project for this term
1.) What is Personal Security?
2.) Our Security is our own Responsibility......Why?
3.) List at list 10 areas that we should exercise some Personal Security Measures.
4.) For each area in "Q3"-List the steps or precautions that we should take to protect ourselves.
5.) List at list 5 groups that will fall in the higher risk profile?
6.) For each group in "Q5"-List the steps or precautions that we should take to protect themselves.
7.) How can schools and government promote Personal Security.
8.) List at least 5 activities that we can conduct at our campus to promote Personal Security Massage.
9.) What else do you think we can do to promote Personal Security Meassages.
10.) Any other Information on Personal Security?
Posted by Dexter Chiang Jia Rong
Photography Contest
there is a photography contest over at http://www.cnncontest.com/cnn/
check it out if u guys are interested
read more
Posted by Farn
Purnama 2 Film Competition
k guys!
some of u have been to the meeting wit mr zo. For those who are really interested n committed pls2 be shoot ready by this friday k? for e.g SCRIPT, CHARACTERIZATION, LOCATION, CASTING, SHOT LIST n if can STORYBOARD.
our group is big..i think we must break into groups choose ur crew, hope we are given a boom mic as well.
remember all thos bold FONTS need to be done by tomoro ok?
they will be meeting again n i will update u guys!
take care!
Posted by Farn
Congrats to Hafiz
who had made his mark by getting in the
top 49 shortlisted photos for the Youth Category at
Please sign up and vote for him! Thank you!
click here to read more
Posted by Class Blog
Purnama Film Competition
Ok guys,
As u noe..we are joining this film making competition. The date due is on 10 Aug, here are the details http://smfs.sg/Purnama_2.html
a group of 8 people of COMMITED ppl are needed..if more than that..we need to break into groups. If u think u are keen of techies, creativity, organising pls come join us n come up with an idea or 2 or more by this wed. For the pitching of ur ideas u'll have to do, Logline, Sysnopsis, Charaterisation, Locations. We will all will vote as a crew on which idea is will be better for shoot. Chosen ideas will be notified(sorry not thru sms haha) n simplified n improvise.
We got an advantage guys! we are using our school's camera..where as some ppl are jus use commercial video camera..we must really make use of this advantage to make our short film professionally done!
SCRIPTS!! are oso important..if anyone with scripts done, it is an added advantage! if ur ideas are shoot ready..even BETTER!
Designations of Rolls??
do not worry..we will discuss this when an idea is chosen ok?
take care guys!
Posted by Farn
have try using the subscribe thinggy, is located beside the blog. Dunno how it work, so try using it and feedback at the tag box....thank you! and please send your email to class email (av0901bclassblog@gmail.com ) , so i can invite you to update class blog!
Posted by Class Blog
just now mr lionel call me and ask few qustion about piggy thing and he also say that Monday first lesson is LS at 9:00AM! OMG! and guys please post something on our class blog pls!
-Dexter ^_^
Posted by Dexter Chiang Jia Rong
6th july!!!
Hi Classmates of AV0901B,
updates on 6th july later when sch open..
report at 53C1..Life skills at 9am
so don forget to bring ur life skills book...the blue color with compass on it!
hahahhaha GOOD LUCK AR LIKE DAT!! hahaha
take care guys
Posted by Farn
Return to school on 6th july 2009
reach school at 8am
location i don't know (must ask mr lionel)
Posted by Class Blog
From Mr Zo,
Hi all, there will be a community service project this Sunday, 21st June 2009 at 0830, venue-Buangkok Crescent, near IMH Instit ute Mental Health. event0830-1200. Anyone interested, update Farhan. Encourage all of you to come
Posted by Class Blog
For Han Chews Studio Students the pictures are over here
or you can go to "link" "| ►Class Photo Album◄ |" "Photos" and the pictures are in the folder
"Last day of HanChew Studio Lesson"
Posted by Class Blog
People! Done uploading with Miss Christina photos already!
Posted by Class Blog
Hi! class Hakim have a dance competition at Open space @ Plaza Singapura at 2pm please come down and support him!
and here is a chance for you to do volunteer and know make new friends
Volunteers needed to fund raise for needy (29th May - 2nd June) @ Expo
Dear All,
There will be a South West CDC event to be held at EXPO during the Singapore Food Expo from 29 May to 2 June 2009 and we need about 50 volunteers a day.
Details of event:
Date: 29 May 2009 to 2 June 2009
Time 11am to 10pm
Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 5
Programme highlights:
1. Fund raising through selling of recyclable bags - targeted to raise $30,000 for the needy
2. Quizzes/games as part of stage performance to generate greater awareness
3. Mass greening of elderly homes and appreciation to SFMA
Expectations of volunteers:
1. To man the booths (ECo Plan South West panels)
2. Promoting sales of recyclable bags
3. Help Out Stage programme
For students who are going to have a holiday, this could be a meaningful way to kick it off! Go green and help the needy!
Interested? Please email Yeeleng LIM at LIM_Yeeleng@pa.gov.sg or call her at 6551 9286
Warm Regards,
News Mole.
There will be a South West CDC event to be held at EXPO during the Singapore Food Expo from 29 May to 2 June 2009 and we need about 50 volunteers a day.
Details of event:
Date: 29 May 2009 to 2 June 2009
Time 11am to 10pm
Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 5
Programme highlights:
1. Fund raising through selling of recyclable bags - targeted to raise $30,000 for the needy
2. Quizzes/games as part of stage performance to generate greater awareness
3. Mass greening of elderly homes and appreciation to SFMA
Expectations of volunteers:
1. To man the booths (ECo Plan South West panels)
2. Promoting sales of recyclable bags
3. Help Out Stage programme
For students who are going to have a holiday, this could be a meaningful way to kick it off! Go green and help the needy!
Interested? Please email Yeeleng LIM at LIM_Yeeleng@pa.gov.sg or call her at 6551 9286
Warm Regards,
News Mole.
Posted by Class Blog
imotionx will need all your coffee table book photo to make this blog full of our project
so please attach the pictures and send it to av0901bclassblog@gmail.com
or pass to Dexter
thanks for your cooperation!
Posted by Class Blog
Dude! you guys left 1 more days to submit your coffee table book. Tomorow must come to school to submit your coffee table book.
Posted by Class Blog
We have just upload our photos....
and this is one of them...for more best pictures click HERE!
Posted by Class Blog
Dear Class Advisors
If you have students (especially from the Apr 2009 intake) who are keen to continue their interest and passion in music as a CCA in ITE, please tell them to attend an audition as follows:
Last Audition to join the CeMTA Vocal Development Group or Fusion Live Band focusing on All Genres
Date: 2nd May 2009 (12.00pm)
Venue: ITE College West (Clementi Campus), 6 Lempeng Drive, Level 1, Centre for Music & the Arts Dance Studio.
To Prepare for Vocal Audition
- 2 Songs of various languages and genres. English songs are recommended.
Requirement (FUSION LIVE BAND):
- Able to sight read music scores and play a musical instrument (Guitar, Bass Guitar, Keyboard or percussion).
For details or enquires, interested students can call me at HP: 9384 2864 or email me at mohamed_feizel@ite.edu.sg
Thanks alot for your kind assistance.
Mohamed Feizel
Student Development Officer / ITE-Centre For Music & The Arts (CeMTA)
Posted by Class Blog
Know the definition of team?
T-E-A-M is crucial for project work. Togetherness in Effort And Moral support. Without the support from each other, without the cooperation of each other, things can't be done that easily. Rushing in completing it wouldn't get you the good things you want, it just make the team members more stress.
Posted by Class Blog
Please be remind that this coming Monday,27/04/2009
is the dead line for Life Skill project.
Posted by Class Blog
Outing to Chinatown for outdoor photography shoot.
Time: start from 09:00am
Date/Day: 28/04/2009, Tuesday
Venue: China town
Meeting point: China town MRT station
Meeting time: 09:00am (in the morning)
Attire: Smart (who knows you will be needed to be a model?)
What to bring: Umbrella, water bottle but most importance is yourself!
Who to contact: Mr. Lionel
For more inquiries email us at av0901bclassblog@gmail.com
Posted by Class Blog
we are very proud to announce that kat and hakim has do our
class proud by winning dancing competition.
to see more, click here.
Or you can click the "Achievement" below our class photo
Posted by Class Blog
We have uploaded the picture for
"Trip to Botanic Garden"
"Trip to Arab Street"![[assiment+1_dexterA001.jpg]](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi9AbrExN_Fsni2poDzEH4JHMOV09dvn3BsS1P6kiKa5D8Mk1aASHDGZU6o4OZMvGtygzukz6f-pp3HSI9urCN3WrC3azSwte6tZnh7mTk7cco3oimwZklpxPmynp9PD-9b4UoAicjriO9k/s1600/assiment+1_dexterA001.jpg)
"Exhibition @ Bishan National Library Board"

all above photos is at here.
or you can click the link below the class photos
Posted by Class Blog
People if you got facebook there is our class group.
just type "av0901b member" to search and you can join.
Posted by Class Blog
Please note that our class BBQ will be on
at West Coast Park @ Pit 7 BBQ will start
from 5pm onwards.
In-Charge are:
- Farah - Inviting teacher/Forks and Spoon
- Florence - Collecting money
($5 from each one who is attending, if less people attend the BBQ the
charge will increase to make sure everyone got enough food) - Ruzanna - Garbage Bag
- Kat - Food Coordinator
(please tell Kat what food are you buying) - Sugar - Tissue
- Sharon - Paper Plats and Paper Cup
- Dexter - Drink
Posted by Class Blog
Current update
Current homework
For VP1: Next upcoming short film project
- Everyone writes a 2-5 minutes story.
- Due next Wednesday for pitching.
- Must include storyboard,logline, synopsis, characters, treatment
4 students would be chosen by teachers ( final 5 chosen by 6 March)
1 out of all student choice.
Prepared by 11th March ( Wednesday )
Shoot on the 12th - 13th March ( Thursday - Friday)
There would be changes of information, I guess.
So this is just a draft one. Need to double check with teacher again.
Posted by Rozana
Current update.
Outdoor photo shoot
Date & Time : 24 Feb 09 (Tuesday) , 0930am - 1pm
Venue/Location : Arab Street
Class, we will be meeting each other near Bugis Mcd . The class will assemble there.
Please do not be late, or we will be late for shooting.
Nearest Mrt : Bugis
Current homework
- Lab sheet 07: Camera Holding Techniques
Due this Monday, 23 Feb 09.
- Lab sheet 08: Compositional Research
Due this Tuesday, 26 Feb 09
Late submission : One grade down
For VP1
- Drama script. One page of screen play script and two column script.
No wide column script. Grading on format and content of the script can be whatever you want it to be.
Due this Wednesday, 25 Feb 09; Wednesday.
Posted by Rozana