

Mr Subra wants a group of 8 people to do a project regarding security which is the following question on the last post, the project that we will do will post at suntec city for the minister to see
after the exhibition, Mr subra will award us

i just need 8 people ok?
who are interested may inform me or dexter


Question for LifeSkill Project for this term

1.) What is Personal Security?
2.) Our Security is our own Responsibility......Why?
3.) List at list 10 areas that we should exercise some Personal Security Measures.
4.) For each area in "Q3"-List the steps or precautions that we should take to protect ourselves.
5.) List at list 5 groups that will fall in the higher risk profile?
6.) For each group in "Q5"-List the steps or precautions that we should take to protect themselves.
7.) How can schools and government promote Personal Security.
8.) List at least 5 activities that we can conduct at our campus to promote Personal Security Massage.
9.) What else do you think we can do to promote Personal Security Meassages.
10.) Any other Information on Personal Security?

Photography Contest 2

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Photography Contest


there is a photography contest over at http://www.cnncontest.com/cnn/

check it out if u guys are interested
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Purnama 2 Film Competition

k guys!

some of u have been to the meeting wit mr zo. For those who are really interested n committed pls2 be shoot ready by this friday k? for e.g SCRIPT, CHARACTERIZATION, LOCATION, CASTING, SHOT LIST n if can STORYBOARD.

our group is big..i think we must break into groups choose ur crew, hope we are given a boom mic as well.

remember all thos bold FONTS need to be done by tomoro ok?

they will be meeting again n i will update u guys!

take care!

Congrats to Hafiz
who had made his mark by getting in the
top 49 shortlisted photos for the Youth Category at

Please sign up and vote for him! Thank you!
click here to read more

Purnama Film Competition

Ok guys,

As u noe..we are joining this film making competition. The date due is on 10 Aug, here are the details http://smfs.sg/Purnama_2.html

a group of 8 people of COMMITED ppl are needed..if more than that..we need to break into groups. If u think u are keen of techies, creativity, organising pls come join us n come up with an idea or 2 or more by this wed. For the pitching of ur ideas u'll have to do, Logline, Sysnopsis, Charaterisation, Locations. We will all will vote as a crew on which idea is will be better for shoot. Chosen ideas will be notified(sorry not thru sms haha) n simplified n improvise.

We got an advantage guys! we are using our school's camera..where as some ppl are jus use commercial video camera..we must really make use of this advantage to make our short film professionally done!

SCRIPTS!! are oso important..if anyone with scripts done, it is an added advantage! if ur ideas are shoot ready..even BETTER!

Designations of Rolls??
do not worry..we will discuss this when an idea is chosen ok?

take care guys!

hellooooo ((:

iqbal here , arrr  class boring siaaa.

have add almost all to the blog errr please check your email to accept...thx!

have try using the subscribe thinggy, is located beside the blog. Dunno how it work, so try using it and feedback at the tag box....thank you! and please send your email to class email (av0901bclassblog@gmail.com ) , so i can invite you to update class blog!

just now mr lionel call me and ask few qustion about piggy thing and he also say that Monday first lesson is LS at 9:00AM! OMG! and guys please post something on our class blog pls!
-Dexter ^_^

6th july!!!

Hi Classmates of AV0901B,

updates on 6th july later when sch open..
report at 53C1..Life skills at 9am
so don forget to bring ur life skills book...the blue color with compass on it!

hahahhaha GOOD LUCK AR LIKE DAT!! hahaha

take care guys