Built a Tower with Straws.

The whole class put effort and the tower came out nice.

All on Board!
Eventhough we are squeezing among each other to fit onto the board, it does not stop us to finish this task. We manage to complete it despite having failures.

Physical Activies : 500 Jumping Jacks
The amount of turn up in our class is huge, that gave us the advantage to finish it with only a person doing 8 jumping jacks each !

Physical Activities: Push Ups
Everyone had play their part with doing 8 Push Ups

Physical Activities: Sit Up
Everyone gave in their best, with doing 8 Sit Ups

Physical Activities: Leg Raising
Evreyone do 8 times, despite this is a new exercise for us.

Ocean Plait Knot
This is the most challenging one among all of the activities given by the trainers. We are suppose to follow up a few steps to make a ocean plait knot. We are lucky to have Mr Chee Kan to help us finishing this task, but congrats to the other team who try their best on fixing this knot too!

Building A Human Pyramid
Building this pyramid requires the strength of 15 people. We bond as one and manage to build a human pyramid despite the different sizes and weight.

Fixing the Puzzle.
This puzzle requires us to solve the toilet puzzle. We are trying our best solve this puzzle eventhough we have to only look at the main piece twice.

Police And Thief Videos 
This is where almost all the class member's crack their brain in order to move up to the next task.

Overall, today is a memorable day for all of us. 
Thank you for all the hard work .

- A good name will always shine forever

AV0901B class shirt design

A shirt for us is a united symbol.
This is our very own class shirt design. 
This design is designed by Muhammad Hafiz for AV0901B.

I-motionX Crew
"I" refers to AV0901B, as a group who shares the same interest. 
"Motion" refers to Audio & Video. 
"X" stands for X-Factor. 

Include DAVP; that stand for Digital Audio Video Production.
The black circle unite us together as one.

ImotionX would like to congratulate Dexter and his Group
who had made his mark by winning a BRONZE award project winners
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Know the definition of team?

T-E-A-M is crucial for project work. Togetherness in Effort And Moral support. Without the support from each other, without the cooperation of each other, things can't be done that easily. Rushing in completing it wouldn't get you the good things you want, it just make the team members more stress.

NLE Term 3 Project

What To Do: remake a 30 sec to 1 mins Movie trailer
Theme: Your style
Person in a group: 1 or 2 in a group
DeadLine: 26th November 2009

Dateline will be on 26th November 2009
Create a 30 secs to 1 minute movie trailer using Movie that have screened. 

BVE (mini project part 2)

What To Do:
1 minute short story using minimum of 4 "" tutorials out of 10 given "" tutorials for year 1.

Theme: Your stlye
Person in a group: 3 in a group
DeadLine: 27th November 2009

Details: Dateline: 27th Nov(mini project part 2)
Create a 1 minute short story using minimum of 4 "Video CoPilot" tutorials out of 10 given "Video CoPilot" tutorials for year 1.

-Include appropriate Audio and Video to enhance the story
-Students may use other software for photo and video editing, however must use AFTER EFFECT to create the story sequence

Submission Requirement
-Quicktime video-H.264
-Working Files in a Folder (AE File)

tmr will be our first term meet up again......
soo waiting to see you guys again!!!