Hi guys this is the link to the latest timetable

and this is a message from uncle lionel:
3rd nov - M and N class goes to CE for Career Fair. Details will follow.
We'll have lessons in the morning and then take a bus to CE in the afternoon.

Please be reminded to do the LifeSkill project anything call Mrs Tay H.L
Anything please process to her for more information thank you.


Selamat Hari Raya!

To all Muslim Students,

Selamat Hari Raya !

Have fun collecting your green packets!!!

Note you must know

Lionel Wong's Photos - Even Newer timetable for N Class.

Lionel Wong's Photos - VDP N Class

PPP Include Total
4 Assignments - 10% each 40%
1 Written Assignment - 10% 10%
1 Mini Project - 40% 40%
1 Class Test - 10% 10%

21st June, Gather at CCK plaza at 3pm for the tour. Wear uniform. CCK ORIENTATION TOUR.

Video Development Project from miss janice

Hi AV091M & N,

Everyone is to do a story pitch at the 1st week after school reopen. INDIVIDUAL WORK. Each student is to do a 5min presentation on their 8-10min short story and submit a proposal. The best 8 story will then developed to production.

Simply think of your own 5-8min story. And prepare a pitch presentation before school reopen. The pitch presentation start on the 1st week of new school term. Individual work. No presentation = 0 grade.

Pitch include a presentation and a proposal. Refer to your past textbooks on what a pitch and proposal is. Each student have 5min to present. Grading on this pitch presentation focus on content and creativity and professionalism.

Best 8 story will be choosen. 8 group of students will be form to film the 8 story. This is your video development project.

Submitted group must change now to have 8 students.

Below is the kind of project you may choose:-
MUSIC VIDEO & Making of Video

Your 5 months of VDP should consist but not limited to the following:

i)Pitch a concept and storyline according to the given genre.
ii)Form a group of 8 students accordingly and distribute the key tasks and role of Director, Producer, Director of Photography, Art Director, Audio & Sound Designer, Gaffer, Grip, Editor, Marketing Director.
iii)Create a script and storyboard for the project
iv)Shoot the video. (Limited to 7 days equipment loan limited to 2 weekend)
v)Edit the video
vi)Add in appropriate sound effects & music
vii)Export the video into .mpeg2 or quicktime .mov file

*Take Note, there is a change of number of students in a team. It is 8 people in a group. Submit your new group when school reopen.

Hi Lionel and John,
Can help to Tag M & N student to this note. Thank!

If you had read till here please like for ur attendance.

Tmr (Monday, 6 May 2010) 8am mac lab, revision n exam. Each student try to bring 1 kg of newspaper for fund raising and all student s to stay back after audio exam thanks. Lionel :)

Important dates.

Wednesday 19th May
N Class Phase and Class Test revision

Thursday 20th May
BB ITE Campus Re Cycling DayReport to AMK Campus 8am for bus to leave at 8.15amor
Report to BB Campus directly at 8.30am

Friday 21st May
N Class Phase and Class Test revision

Monday 24th May
8am AMK thearetteAudio Class Test

Tuesday 25th May
8am MAC LabAudio Phase Test

Hey ImotionX members!
Do take note that this is our latest timetable. :)


Ouh hello people, how's the preparation going for studio class? Stress right, HAHAHA.

Next Week NO CLASS on:
Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year

No Studio Production class so Student Care will postpond to Thursday break.
Studio Production class postpond to Friday afternoon....so afternoon must saty back
Time: 1330Pm to 1630Pm

Dear ImotionX Crew!

* As Chinese New Year falls on Sunday 14
February 2010 and Monday 15 February 2010, the next day, Tuesday 16
February 2010, will be a public holiday.


* As Chinese New Year falls on Sunday 14 February 2010 and Monday 15 February 2010, the next day, Tuesday 16 February 2010, will be a public holiday.

Studio Production

Tomorrow only! on 09 Feb 2009

Time: not start from 08:00am but at 12:30pm onwards to 04:30pm
Venue: Mac Lab at level 4 (Last time NLE class) not at VP room.

-----ONE DAY ONLY!-----

this is the latest one...srry if it is not clear....

School reopen tomorrow!!!!
8am meet at NLE room.
have send an email to those who have given their email to the blog.