Video Development Project from miss janice

Hi AV091M & N,

Everyone is to do a story pitch at the 1st week after school reopen. INDIVIDUAL WORK. Each student is to do a 5min presentation on their 8-10min short story and submit a proposal. The best 8 story will then developed to production.

Simply think of your own 5-8min story. And prepare a pitch presentation before school reopen. The pitch presentation start on the 1st week of new school term. Individual work. No presentation = 0 grade.

Pitch include a presentation and a proposal. Refer to your past textbooks on what a pitch and proposal is. Each student have 5min to present. Grading on this pitch presentation focus on content and creativity and professionalism.

Best 8 story will be choosen. 8 group of students will be form to film the 8 story. This is your video development project.

Submitted group must change now to have 8 students.

Below is the kind of project you may choose:-
MUSIC VIDEO & Making of Video

Your 5 months of VDP should consist but not limited to the following:

i)Pitch a concept and storyline according to the given genre.
ii)Form a group of 8 students accordingly and distribute the key tasks and role of Director, Producer, Director of Photography, Art Director, Audio & Sound Designer, Gaffer, Grip, Editor, Marketing Director.
iii)Create a script and storyboard for the project
iv)Shoot the video. (Limited to 7 days equipment loan limited to 2 weekend)
v)Edit the video
vi)Add in appropriate sound effects & music
vii)Export the video into .mpeg2 or quicktime .mov file

*Take Note, there is a change of number of students in a team. It is 8 people in a group. Submit your new group when school reopen.

Hi Lionel and John,
Can help to Tag M & N student to this note. Thank!

If you had read till here please like for ur attendance.